A Diverse Soil Science Future

The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine's U.S. National Committee for Soil Sciences, in collaboration with the Soil Science Society of America, will hold this virtual event on December 4, 2020 from 2-5 pm EST to celebrate World Soil Day 2020. This online meeting will focus on two deeply interrelated topics: the future of soil science and diversity and inclusion in the soil science community.

The first session is "Diversity and Inclusion in Soil Science," with a keynote by Asmeret Asefaw Berhe (University of California-Merced), presentations by a set of invited speakers, and a discussion led by Dr. Berhe. The second session is "Future of Soil Science," with a keynote by Eugene Kelly (Colorado State University), presentations by a set of invited speakers, and a discussion led by Dr. Kelly.

The event will include extensive discussion periods to involve speakers and participants in a thoughtful conversation on how to create a diverse future for soil science. The overall discussion will be led by Alfred Hartemink, Chair of the USNC/Soil Sciences.

Diversity and Inclusion in Soil Science panel:

Asmeret Asefaw Berhe (University of California, Merced, USNC past chair)- keynote presenter, discussion moderator
Samira Daroub (University of Florida, USNC member, SSSA Task Force member)
Robin López (University of California, Berkeley)
Chris Shepard (University of Kentucky)
Karen Vaughan (University of Wyoming)

Future of Soil Science panel:

Gene Kelly (Colorado State University, USNC member) - keynote presenter, discussion moderator
Justin Richardson (University of Massachussetts)
Abbey Wick (North Dakota State University, USNC member)
April Ulery (New Mexico State University)
Mengqiang (Mike) Zhu (University of Wyoming)

Joint Discussion of both Panels:
Alfred Hartemink (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USNC Chair)- discussion moderator
Final Summation: April Ulery- Incoming SSSA President

Please register using this link.


Marsh Sense


Breaking the (Phyto)Social Distance: Chapter 2