VT-Tunbridge-2007-12827 SoilMonolithsUSDA.jpg

What is the role of fertilizers?

Fertilizers enrich soils content of micro- and macronutrients. However, overuse of fertilizers can result in soil and water contamination. We recommend using organic matter (compost), beneficial microbes and/or certified organic products as an alternative to commercial fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.

Manage soil pH appropriately.

  • pH management is crucial, as pH extremes have implications for solubility (availability) of nutrients.

  • Understand and encourage soil microbial activity.

    • Microorganisms impact fertility by decomposing organic material, mineralizing nutrients, recycling and immobilizing nutrients and fixing and transforming nitrogen.

    • Soil microorganisms are most active when soil moisture is adequate, when soil temperature is greater than 55º F, when soil is well aerated and when soil pH is near neutral (6.5-7.0).