Global Urban Soils Issues


impacts of Microplastics on the soil biophysical environment

Soils are essential components of terrestrial ecosystems that experience strong pollution pressure. Microplastic contamination of soils is being increasingly documented, with potential consequences for soil biodiversity and function. Notwithstanding, data on effects of such contaminants on fundamental properties potentially impacting soil biota are lacking. The present study explores the potential of microplastics to disturb vital relationships between soil and water, as well as its consequences for soil structure and microbial function…


German Cristian’s work

new methods to characterize Technosols
Or Anna P’s recent article - Vermiculite-Lizardite Industrial wastes promote plant growth in a peat soil affected by a cu/ni smelter

Technosols are developed on all kinds of materials made or exposed by human activity that otherwise would not occur at the Earth's surface.

ISRIC new methods to characterize urban soils and to develop new solutions to improve their resistance under different kinds of stress. 

Technosols are found throughout the world where human activities has led to the construction of artificial soils, sealing of natural soils, or extraction of materials normally not effected by surface processes.

Soils having properties and a pedogenesis dominated by their technic origin. They contain 20 % or more artefacts(something in the soil recognizably made or extracted from the earth by humans), or are sealed by technic hard rock within 5 cm of the soil surface and covering 95% or more of the horizontal extent (hard material created by humans, having properties unlike natural rock).

They are often referred to as urban or mine soils and include soils from wastes (landfills, sludge, cinders, mine spoils and ashes), pavements with their underlying unconsolidated materials, soils with geo-membranes and constructed soils in human-made materials.

They are related to Anthrosols in that they are modified by human activities.

Jean-Louis /

Maha /

Next epoch seed library

The Next Epoch Seed Library (NESL) re-imagines the conventional seed bank for a new epoch defined by massive human impact on the global environment. Rather than focusing exclusively on human utility or agricultural heritage, we champion the contributions of weedy plant species most likely to survive and thrive in an unpredictable future.

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