USI Residencies @ SWALE House

Governors Island



in 2023 Swale hosted USI and Creature Conserve residencies together, along with the exhibition, Re-Imagining Conservation


Art work by Roger Danilo Carmona

Roger Danilo Carmona
July 4-17

Photo of marsh by Heather McMordie

Heather McMordie + Dr. Edward R. Landa
August 11-13

Ditch + wetland collaboration

Dr. Ed Landa

Art work by Greg Stewart

Greg Stewart
Oct 17-23

Dirt Stories is an art project that uses dirt to tell stories in public spaces.


Art work by Bel Sigado

Bel Sigado
July 18-24

exploring the weight of earth and the under-building happening within it through the extraction of and meditation on 15 pounds of urban soils collected throughout new york city

Bel Sigado IG

Photo of rock with lichens by Justin Morris-Marano

Flourish LAB

Provoking vivid relationships with the ecologies to which we exist. At USI, Flourish will prototype pipeless water infrastructure — a collaborative vision with Leaf Island to replace New York's water distribution and filtration network with a system of living aquifers.

Art work by Mario Joyce

Mario Joyce
virtual residency

Creating a genealogy of soil, from prehistory to today, by sourcing soil from every farm my ancestors lived on. Soil is politically connected to the wealth and colonial roots of this country.


Art work by Lynn Cazabon

Lynn Cazabon
August 8-14

Uncultivated, a site-specific, scalable art project focused on wild plants within urban landscapes, thriving around areas of disturbance

Art work by Susan Smith

Susan Smith
Virtual Residency Sept - Oct

artist, educator, guerrilla gardener. "Radical Gardening" is a practice of immersion and witness of place, focused on acts of stewardship, imagining a world which is no longer uprooted by extractivist colonial power.


Blank image encouraging the viewer to submit their work

This spot is for you : )

apply for in-person or virtual residencies, which come with an invitation to present at our annual Soils SymposiumSend us your ideas!!

Art work by Mia Greenwald

Mia Greenwald
August 15-21

weaving, natural dyes, harvested clays

Art work by Angela Moreno-Long and Melanie Stein

Angela Moreno-Long + Melanie Stein
Oct 3-16 and Nov 16 + 17

Urban Soil Transect an experiential investigation of urban soils along a sectional transect through New York City



Art work by Kosmologym

Summer + Dirtball

This year, Kosmologym will build the Dirtball Court in the Loop! Check in for workshops and opportunities to play!

Art work by Makale Cullen, Jason Smith and Richard Shaw

Makalé Cullen + Jason Smith, with Dr. Richard Shaw
Black Carbon: A History of Combustion

city scape, legacy coal heating, industry, social contexts and soils soils soils

Art work by Roger Danilo Carmona

Roger Danilo Carmona
August 30-September 12

Earth Action Painting residency project is a field manual outlining the importance of soil testing by expression and note-taking. A 50 foot collaborative drawing on paper, Social Contract, is currently being painted with purchased earth, and earth and plant colors found on Governors Island.

Art work by Sarah Olson

Sarah Olson
virtual residency

exploring human migration and the destructive nature of extraction economies

Art work by Tessa Grundon

Tessa Grundon

Art work by Lynn Cazabon

Lynn Cazabon
Virtual Residency

Ongoing, site-specific, geo-referenced photographs, public displays, website, community collaborations and workshops about plants that thrive in urban soils

Art work by Abra Lee

Abra Lee
virtual residency, possible August appearances

reigning hype woman of Black garden history

Art work by Amelia Marzec

Amelia Marzec
October 4-10

rebuilding and engaging with local communications infrastructure to prepare for an uncertain future

Art work by Laura McGough

Laura McGough
June 7-20

research on “soil cinema” and the materialist aesthetics of mud, dirt, earth and dust in contemporary experimental film and video

Art work by Natalia Bezerra

Natalia Bezerra
October 11-17

envision alternative means for growing food in both public and private spaces

Art work by Margot Lystra

Margot Lystra
September 19- October 3

landscape theorist, designer, and historian exploring techniques for sensing and showing the earthly dynamics of climate change, including relations between soil and atmosphere and dynamics of material transformation

Blank image encouraging the viewer to submit their work

This spot is for you : )
schedule is FULL for in-person residencies this season BUT there’s plenty of space for virtual residencies, which come with an invitation to present at our annual Soils SymposiumSend us your ideas!!

Art work by Cindy Qiao

Cindy Qiao
June 21 - July 4

Exploring ideas of “constructed nature”, especially constructed soil on Governors Island

Katherine Patino Miranda pictured holding mossy rock

Lisa Bloodgood + Katherine Patino Miranda

Director of Advocacy & Education at Newtown Creek Alliance, Lisa Bloodgood and artist/ environmental arts educator (and fellow gardener) Katherine Patiño Miranda collaborate on the soil microbiome of the indigenous milpas or three sisters, the companion planting of corn, beans, and squash

Art work by Simone Johnson

Simone Johnson
virtual residency +”Interpreting Soils” Porch Chat June 26, on wetlands ecology, sustainability and urban development


In 2020, most residencies were virtual due to Covid and restrictions in access to Governors Island. However, we were thrilled to have so many resident artists participate in USI’s first virtual Soils Symposium. The presentations and conversations were so good, it almost felt like our Porch Chats at Swale House.

Art work by Tessa Grundon

Tessa Grundon

Art work by Kosmologym


Art work by Kate and Jerry Kendall

Kate Kendall, Jerry Kendall

Pottery by Lisa Orr

Lisa Orr

Art work by Joanie Turbek

Joanie Turbek

Art work by Evelyn Tickle

Evelyn Tickle
Reef Project

Art work by Candace Thompson

Candace Thompson


Art work by Don Hải Phú Daedalus and Anna Paltseva

Don Hải Phú Daedalus, Anna Paltseva
Daedalus & Paltseva

Photo of Emly Curtis-Murphy

Emily Curtis-Murphy

Art work by Luisa Valderrama

Luisa Valderrama

Art work by Anna Rosen
Photo of Graham Smith-White in the Sun Bus

Graham Smith-White & Sun Bus

Art work by Bob Donahue

Bob Donahue
Biochar Kiln

Art work by Cynthia Connolly

Cynthia Connolly

Photo of guests at Dirty Brunch by Candace Thompson

Candace Thompson + the C.U.R.B.
Dirty Brunch
The C.U.R.B

Art work by Sam Droege and Sue Stockman

Sam Droege + Sue Stockman
Droege + Stockman

Art work by Susan Main and MJ Neuberger

Susan Main + MJ Neuberger